Home Made Ginger Syrup- DIY
Hey Friends!
Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season filled with love, friends, and hopefully if you are lucky enough family. The holiday season is also a great time to roll up your sleeves and bust out some of those fancy DIY gifts that most people don't think of. Yes a new pair of BOHO earrings is always appreciated but an even cooler not-so-often thought of DIY gift is a simple at home recipe simple syrup. This ginger syrup is a great creative under $10 gift to make for your friends, family or even yourself. Below is a list of instructions for your viewing pleasure.
At home ginger syrup recipe
At home ginger syrup recipe
Things you will need. A funnel, fresh ginger, measuring cups, sugar, water, a pot, a container like bottle
Things you will need. A funnel, fresh ginger, measuring cups, sugar, water, a pot, a container like bottle
Recipe. 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of ginger. ( 1 to 1 of all ingredients, if you wish to make more just keep the 1 to 1 ration the same and increase.
Recipe. 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of ginger. ( 1 to 1 of all ingredients, if you wish to make more just keep the 1 to 1 ratio the same and increase
Boil one cup of water
Boil one cup of water
Place one cup of sugar in a pot, The water will soon be added.
Place one cup of sugar in a pot, The water will soon be added.
Image of sugar water
Add the cup of sugar to already boiling single cup of water. Stir in pot until the sugar dissolves.
Mince down the ginger into smaller pieces. About 1 cups worth. If you wish to add more then it will enhance the sharp ginger taste.
Mince down the ginger into smaller pieces. About 1 cups worth. If you wish to add more then it will enhance the sharp ginger taste.
measure out the ginger to at least one cup
measure out the ginger to at least one cup
Let sit for at least one hour. The longer it sits on a low heat setting, the more potent the ginger will taste.
Add the ginger to the sugar water. Let sit for at least one hour. The longer it sits on a low heat setting, the more potent the ginger will taste
Strain the mixture into the bottle. The best technique is to take the funnel into the mouth of the jar, place the strainer at the top of the funnel and pour mixture in. The ginger chunks will be strained out.
Create your own creative label and gift to yourself or a friend.
Create your own creative label and gift to yourself or a friend.
Ginger syrup is great in moscow mules. It is also a great in espresso, lemonade and tea. Comment below images of your final product and other recipes you find ginger simple syrup to compliment.